Saturday, April 23, 2011

A new look at county government

Former county employee Art McClellan has a new blog, Amador County Government Issues. Art's taking on some of the interesting goings-on in county government, asking hard questions, and shining light on actions that might otherwise go unnoticed.

His recent posts include one on the public health doctor controversy and another on the county's hiring of a new community development director. Earlier posts address micromanagement by the board of supervisors and public employee unions.

As a former county insider, Art understands the arcana of county budgeting, fund transfers, and all the myriad ways our county spends taxpayer money on what the public needs, and maybe what they don't. And since he's a former independent businessman, Art has a valuable outsider perspective, too.

Take a look at Art's blog. In taking time to write it, he's performing a valuable public service.